Food, Glorious Food!


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Today in over 200 cities, low wage restaurant employees went on strike for higher wages.

This is known as Welfare vs. Corporate Welfare… or Little Dogs vs. Big Dogs with Little Weiners

You see, through collusion and subjugation, very large multi-national corporations (who receive tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas already) have relied on this wonderful safety net in America. That safety net is called welfare.  They need it, just ask them.  They being the massive corporations, not the little guys (with probably normal sized weiners)

The welfare program was set up to assist those transitioning back from war time duties, lean times between jobs, injuries or those who simply did not have enough skill or education to hold higher paying jobs.  But as with any good thing in America, it is exploited and used for nefarious purposes.

Consistently we see companies like McDonald’s, Wal-mart, Burger King, Wendy’s etc… keep workers salaries low and toss a little wink and nod their way letting them know that they should subsidize their low paying jobs with government assistance.  This is not subsidizing low wage employees, this is subsidizing profit turning companies.  Not just some profit… but Billions!  Per quarter. (pounder?)

Now look, I am all for companies turning a profit, but there should be some form of moral compass and GPS not working shouldn’t be able to take the blame.  Since, basically, 1980 there has been a slow slide of upper middle class americas wages down… down… down.  For those at the very bottom, those wages have stagnated while inflation has gone up.  What that means for them is more hours working with less spending power.  What that means for corporations is more profit and every American picking up part of the bill.  It’s like the asshole at dinner who has four drinks and orders the filet mignon with two starters and dessert and then pressures everyone into splitting it… Well, you know what, fuck that guy.

Maybe $15 an hour is too much, however, studies have shown that corporations wouldn’t lose much by doing this in the fast food area.  I just know that at that rate, and those starting anywhere around $11 an hour, the American taxpayer would no longer be subsidizing McDonald’s to not only put a strain on the healthcare system, but the welfare one as well.